Monday, March 24, 2014

Short Ribs to end Day 7 and the beginning of Day 8!

Last nights dinner was delicious. The ribs were falling off the bone when we took them out of the slow cooker and we served them with zucchini fritters and a blood orange salad! I even got to have leftover ribs with my salad today for lunch! They were so sweet and the spices were perfect. Next time we will make spicy spare ribs!

Today is Day 8 - one week on program and I am feeling great. I feel less bloated, less hungry, more in control of my eating and well balanced and happy. I can't believe it has also been a week without measuring or counting points or grams, or oz! I am impressed with myself. And I am not hungry! It has been 1 week of not snacking at work or at home after dinner. I never thought I would be able to control my eating this much that I feel satisfied and not having cravings! I only hope the rest of the 22 days goes this smoothly! Tonight I am planning to make spaghetti squash with a turkey bolognese. Ryan hates spaghetti squash so he is going to make pasta to serve with his bolognese! That means I will have left over spaghetti for lunch and another dinner hopefully! I think my only error with groceries this week is that I planned 4 dinner and leftovers for lunch but I am missing something, more salad? more sides? I don't know what. It is just so expensive to order groceries for the week that I feel like I got so much but still didn't get anything at all. I want to make burgers but didn't buy the meat, I want to make fritters again, but didn't buy enough zuchhini and between 2 people eating salads, we definitely don't have enough mixed greens. We are going to have to find a better solution for grocery shopping because FreshDirect and our grocery stores are just too expensive!

This morning I had the remaining small cup of n'oatmeal at Bar Method in the locker room. I got there really early for the 6:45am class with Brittany, so I took some time for myself and relaxed and ate and had a cup of green tea. Class was great! We did standing seat facing the bar which I haven't done before (yes, after almost 500 class there is always something new to learn at Bar Method)!

After class I had a Larabar Carrot Cake. It tasted good, not too sweat, very similar to Cashew Cookie. The ingredients were "dates, almonds, walnuts, raisins, pineapple, unsweetened coconut, carrots, cinnamon, olive oil." I am so glad I ate in the locker room at 7:45am while I was getting ready because I did not eat breakfast until I was at the office and settled by 9:20am. I used to never eat before or after Bar Method so my last meal that I was working out on was dinner at 6pm and dessert at 9pm. Not the best way to have energy in the morning. I wish I could have lean protein right after my workout but it seems impossible to have grilled chicken in the small locker room at Bar Method while over 25-30 girls are trying to shower and blowdry their hair and get dressed.

Breakfast was a yummy vegetable omelette but I really need to figure out breakfast at work besides eggs! It's keeping my full for awhile, but it's starting to get boring! And lunch was a delicious vegetable salad with short ribs, a zucchini fritter and 2 dates wrapped in prosciutto left over from Saturday (my dessert!)

The fritters were really easy to make and Ryan LOVED them. They were a bit soggy so after pan-frying them I put them in the oven to dry out. They were less moist today after I microwaved them but I wish they were a bit crispier. I need to purchase a cheese cloth in order to get all of the water out! Just when you think you have squeezed the zucchini hard enough, squeeze some more! They need to be absolutely dry! I know I got lazy after squeezing 5 zucchini's so there was water still left. But the flavors were there! I also want to make this again and have them with cashew cheese. Now that I have learned the wonders of a food processor, cashew cheese is going to be the best thing to make ever! I became obsessed with cashew cheese when I started eating the Cashew Ravioli from Juice Generation. I found a recipe but never made it because I thought it would be so hard, but seriously, the food processor is amazing and I have used it everyday now that I learned how! Not sure I would know what to do without it (shh, don't tell my mom I said that)!

Zucchini Fritters
Adapted from Stupid Easy Paleo

5 zucchini, shredded
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup coconut flour
1 egg, beaten
1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, optional
coconut oil or ghee for cooking

1. Shred zucchini using food processor (or by hand). Place in a bowl with salt and toss. Let sit for 10 minutes

2. After 10 minutes, squeeze the moisture out of the zucchini! Place dry zucchini in a separate bowl.

3. Add coconut flour, egg (beaten), pepper and baking soda. Combine!

4. Form fritters by packing zucchini mixture in hand and rolling into a ball. Set aside. I made 9 fritters.

5. Heat a pan over medium-high heat and add fat of choice. When hot, add zucchini fritters to the pan. Do not over crowd. I flattened mine when they were in the pan and needed the extra space. Add more fat with each round of fritters. Cook for 5-8 minutes on each side.

Serve and enjoy!

We had these and the ribs with a blood orange salad which was simple - blood oranges, diced red onions, pepper, lime juice, lemon juice, cilantro (toss and serve).

Day 7 was successful and I am so proud of myself for getting through the weekend without snacking! And we stayed home all day Sunday and never left the couch, we watched a whole season of Nurse Jackie! Normally I would have eaten so many bowls of cereal and sandwiches and quest bars, but I controlled my appetite and had a wonderful omelette, a huge garden salad with leftover almond-coconut chicken and our wonderful dinner!


One week down, 3 more to go!


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