Thursday, March 27, 2014

Day 10 Spice Rubbed Chicken Thighs for Dinner and Finally, Day 11, Got a Post-Workout Recovery Meal!

It only took 11 days, but I think I figured out a better post-workout recovery meal that I can eat in the locker room at Bar Method and is better than a protein bar! Well, it wasn't that easy to eat in the locker room - I did get some really weird looks, especially when I tell you that I was eating an extra lean turkey muffin (yup!) but it worked for me and with my evolving taste buds, it wasn't too sweet, which the bars have definitely become! More on this in a minute...

So remember when all of my food spoiled and left me with 2 nights of unplanned dinners and lunches? Well I spent a lot of the day figuring out inexpensive meals that utilized what I already have at home and groceries that I could quickly buy on my way home from work. I needed to be able to make enough for leftovers, but still not buy a lot because this is an added expense that I was not prepared for.

I went with a simple spice rubbed chicken thigh (cinnamon, paprika, salt, pepper, cayenne - basically Moroccan rub, but Moroccan rubs have sugar in them). I baked 6 thighs for 40 minutes in a glass pan topped with ghee for extra juiciness and crispiness. I also made butternut squash seasoned with olive oil, salt, pepper and cinnamon and steamed broccoli and carrots. It was a perfect dinner and I have chicken leftover for lunch and a few thighs left for the weekend for lunch!

While the chicken was cooking I prepped my post-workout recovery meal. I have been eating RxBars and LaraBars after Bar Method but I don't want to use bars as a replacement meal. Although these bars are Whole30 approved, they are made with fruit and nuts and do have fat as well as protein and they are becoming very sweet the longer I follow the Whole30 program! I don't want to rely on bars because it becomes a sugar rush and I want to keep my meals balanced. Whole30 also emphasizes the importance of protein and carbs after a workout to speed up muscle recovery and to not have fat because fat inhibits proteins and carbs helping our muscles because it slows us down. This eliminates hard boiled eggs post workout even though they are a great pre-workout and Meal #1 option.

I found a great recipe in my browsing yesterday for blueberry turkey muffins. Now I know this sounds incredibly strange and trust me, Ryan was giving me weird looks when I was making it, but they actually turned out great! And I bought extra lean ground turkey so there was plenty of protein and no fat! Also the sweetness of the blueberries balanced out the turkey and onions in the recipe so I still had some sugar and sweetness but it was not noticeable! They looked really weird going in the oven, weirder coming out of the oven, and even weirder the next day when I was eating it at Bar Method. I know I got strange looks, but trust me, this is much better than opening Tupperware with chicken breast, or a can of tuna that will stink up the place! I also found a great recipe for pumpkin carrot muffins that could have a lot of great protein and carbs from the starchy vegetable. I will have to try that next time! There's also a great "pizza" muffin made with eggs and meat (bacon!) and tomato sauce. I did find Whole30 approved oven roasted turkey deli meat at Fairway yesterday which I was really excited about. I bought it, with no plans to eat it, but I was so excited to have found something not cured in sugar that I had to purchase it. I might make a turkey, bacon, tomato, lettuce wrap for lunch this weekend! That will force my to maybe try to make homemade mayo!

Yup, still looks weird!
Now I know I am not supposed to snack after dinner, but I had to try a muffin to make sure I wasn't completely insane for putting these together so unfortunately last night I did have an after dinner "treat" but since the muffins came out of the oven as I was cleaning my plate, I don't really consider it a snack because I ate it, almost, with Meal #3! Yeah I know, bending the rules a little bit.

Today was BAR METHOD CLASS #500! I started April 3, 2011 (so almost 4 years ago) and today I feel really accomplished, really strong, really empowered and really happy! This is really huge for me because I never thought 4 years ago about working out, I hated gyms, I never thought about health and wellness or cared about treating my body the right way. But Bar Method completely changed my life and I am forever grateful for that. However, I am not so happy about Amanda's zinger during seat today - that was a killer. I guess it was only appropriate for #500 to be extremely difficult! I was shaking the second we started and didn't stop until after the final stretch! What an incredible feeling to still be shaking 500 classes later. It never gets easier, I have just been getting stronger!

I stuck with my usual vegetable omelette for Meal #1and have a vegetable packed salad with leftover chicken for lunch! Dinner tonight is going to be the remaining spaghetti squash served with shrimp (I bought a fresh 1/4 lb last night when I went shopping - only $3.75) and maybe applegate chicken and apple sausage with a garlic lemon sauce. And then Friday - BURGERS and FRIES (sweet potato fries of course). I am thinking of an apple and onion burger served on butter lettuce with tomatoes and a side of oven roasted brussel sprouts with bacon (Ryan was obsessed with that recipe)!

All in all I feel good. I have been really full from my meals which is great and not having any chocolate cravings (I think that is even weirder than the turkey blueberry muffin). I'm not worried about weight loss with Whole30, but my clothes feel better, I am less worried about something fitting because I may have overeaten the night before. Really my problem with bloating was the late night sugar snacks which is why my clothes were tight the next morning. Now that I have controlled those I feel more confident that I can wear my clothes and feel good in them.

I also have a lot more energy and drive to go to Bar Method! I have always loved Bar Method and the workout but some mornings it felt like such a struggle to be there and I was only going through the motions of the workout to say I did it that day. But now, I find myself needed to workout, to feel stretched and elongated and it is a great feeling. I want to work my body harder because it feels better and stronger from eating so well! Food is fueling me rather than bringing me down!

I can't believe it's Day 11. It seems like I have a lot longer to go, but those 11 days seem to have gone by pretty quickly!

Have a great day everyone!


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