Sunday, April 6, 2014

Day 21!

Today's Whole30 email came at an appropriate time - it discussed building new habits, which ironically is my biggest struggle, as seen by yesterday's snacking!

The email states that although we have been going for 21 days to build new habits, it takes much longer, 66 days, to form a habit. The habits that I am changing have also been built over a long period of time so it is much harder to break them, change them, and create new ones than 21 days. My fear is the end of the program and going back to eating desserts all of the time. I'm only human and I can't deprive myself forever, so although I have already committed to continuing to eat Paleo after Whole30, paleo brownies, cookies and pizza will have to exist in my life, just not every day, every week or every month. I now know I can go 21 (hopefully 30) days without dessert so why would I give it up on day 31! I need to continue eating Whole30 for myself, my health and my well-being.

I want to start writing in a habit worksheet as suggested by today's Whole30 Daily email. This will help me keep track of where I was, what I was doing, who I was with, and what I was feeling when I craved sweet, or needed to snack, etc. I need to recognize the cues that triggered a habit so that I can create a new habit for the same cue. I already seem to have gotten over the 3pm snacking slump at the office, but what I really seem to be struggling with is the weekends at home with access to my pantry and fridge at all hours. I can't not have food in my house, especially because I live with someone else and we buy in bulk, so how can I not be tempted by the food I have on hand. How can I go into the fridge for water and not reach for a date? I also want to break habits like eating LaraBars or RxBars for snacks or post workout meals because those are like candy and they are my crutch - I look forward to them because they are sweet and remind me of dessert. That is not the point of the bars and I need to slowly rid my daily diet of them, except in the cases of emergencies.

I remember when I quit smoking cigarettes, I had to change the cues and triggers. I assocaited a cigarette with a specific route I walked every day to work so I had to take a new route so I wouldn't be reminded of having a cigarette. I needed to have dessert after dinner instead of a cigarette (I created a new habit by ending an old one and now I am trying to do the same with Whole30). The 3 days, 3 weeks, 3 months and 3 years have always been the hardest for me (I am on 3.5 years now without a cigarette) so I expect this week, my 3rd week on Whole30 to be difficult. I am not home a lot at night so I won't be in control of dinner and have less leftovers for lunches so I need to stay focused and control and not give in to the temptations of snacking and meal replacement bars/treats.

I have been sticking to my Whole30 goal of going to Bar Method 4 times a week so even though this week will be tiring and long, I need to keep up my routines because they are new habits that I am working to create. I have started reading It Starts With Food and I hope to finish it in the next 10 days but even if I don't I will continue to read it because it is so important to learn the science behind my Whole30 program and since I might continue it after 30 days, I need to keep reading!

I have a few things coming up that I know will be difficult for me regarding eating:

1) Thursday I am having some friends over to hang out. I plan to cook a Whole30 approved meal but it doesn't mean they won't want dessert or snacks.

2) April 14 is Passover and even though I have planned my Whole30 approved dishes, I need to avoid my favorite dishes and desserts.

3) April 19 I am going to a Bridal Shower - should I eat before I go? Should I bring a LaraBar or RxBar to have in case there is no food I can eat? What food will there be that I can eat?

4) May 3 Ryan and I are going out to dinner for my birthday and although I will have steak and vegetables since it is a steak house, we have already planned to get the Baked Alaska for dessert. It is what this restaurant is known for in NYC and the point of going to this restaurant is for this specific dessert and I don't want to upset Ryan by not going here because we planned it months ago. It will be a special treat and maybe if I go all of April without dessert even after Whole30, it won't derail me and set me back into my old habits. I don't want to call it a "reward" for doing Whole30 because Whole30 has taught me not to reward myself with food because that was an old habit (do well at work, get cupcakes, go all week eating well, have cake). But I don't want to have regrets either so Baked Alaska will happen. And I don't want to feel guilty about it so it is 1 dessert, 1 time and before and after I stay focused and on Whole30 track!

5) In June we are going to Puerto Rico - a lot of meat and vegetables which is fabulous but I need to avoid the rice and dairy. Also, it is a business trip for Ryan and a vacation for me, so I will be alone a lot so I need to control my snacking. Just because no one is around to see me eat, doesn't mean it didn't happen!

6) SUMMER: ICE CREAM! Ryan and I love getting ice cream on a warm summer night. I don't want to always say no or feel left out. I need to look into sorbet and small portions and not every day or week!

7) September we are going to San Francisco. I plan to eat clean, but also not miss out on anything. We will not be gluten free or paleo for this trip, but we will be aware of the food we eat. I plan to do a Whole30 immediately after the trip!

I know these things so far ahead but I have to plan, I have to recognize my weaknesses and figure out how to overcome the tough moments in my life related to food!

This morning Ryan and I went to Trader Joe's early and bought a lot of meat and vegetables for this week. I still don't have a plan but I have food and I will work backwards to find recipes based on the groceries.

Meal 1 was a delicious omelette with turkey, spinach, bruschetta and avocado and almonds with a side of Spicy Chicken Sausage and zucchini fritters cooked in bacon fat.

We are going out tonight from 4pm - 6pm (prime cooking time) so we are not planning a big Sunday dinner like usual. I bought a steak for myself and have leftover brussel sprouts so it will be a cook, but Whole30 approved dinner! We are going to a cocktail reception for Clark University, where we went to college and met, to meet accepted new students. I plan to have Meal 2 around 1pm and will have a LaraBar in my purse for an emergency because I am sure none of the food will be something I can eat. I don't want to feel like I need to eat since I should still be full from Meal 2 before Meal 3 but being around the food is a trigger and I want to be prepared just in case! 

Have a great day!


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