Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Future of Nutrition Online Conference

I have been meaning to post this for awhile but time got the best of me. I participated in a 5 day online nutrition conference which featured podcasts from leaders in the nutrition industry today. The Future of Nutrition Conference was hosted by Marc David and some of the experts were Mark Hyman, David Perlmutter, Joe Cross and Mary Shomon! Each day had a 1 hour podcast for 8 hours. I wasn't able to listen to everyone, especially as the week went on, but I chose to listen to David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain, and Mark Hyman and took some notes to share with all of you!

Mark Hyman, MD
-Genetics is not our pre-determined destiny

-Detoxification: how do we manage our molecules, how do we get rid of toxins?

-Getting rid of inflammatory foods that are making us sick (detoxification is not just juicing, it is a medical rest for our bodies)

-Food addiction: sugar and flour are biologically addictive. Sugar is 8 times as addictive as cocaine and when we take sugar away, people go through withdrawal.

-A calorie burned is a calorie burned, but a calorie eaten is not a calorie eaten in terms of your biology. 200 calories of almonds and 200 calories of soda have completely different effects on your body.

-When you are addicted to sugar, flour and processed foods, it is very, very difficult to stop them because your body is just wired to crave them.

-Chronic symptoms: joint pain, fatigue, muscle pain, depression, sinus issues, digestive issues, headaches, hormonal swings, and any in-balance...anything other than feeling fabulous, you should think about doing 10 days of returning to your original factory settings.

-Stress has a profound effect on your health, on your weight and your metabolism.

-Once we recognize that the amount of sugar and flour we are eating is causing this problem, we have to do something about this.

-The average American has 146 pounds of flour and 152 pounds of sugar a year...that's about a pound of flour for every man, woman and child in America, every single day. And that is drug dose.

David Perlmutter, MD
-Degenerative diseases of the brain relate to lifestyle choices.

-Preventative medicine is a more aggressive mission.

-Health Food Stores = find foods that do good things for your health.

-Information we have been receiving is not always in our best interest.

-High fat diet is what we want to do because it reduces risk of coronary disease risk.

-Mayo Clinic study = 44% risk reduction for becoming demented, in contrast to individual consuming the highest level of carbohydrates whose risk for becoming demented is increased close to 90%.

-Alzheimer's is a preventable disease.

-High fat, low carb diet is a revolutionary approach to health. This is what we are supposed to eat! Our genome has been selected to thrive on a fat rich, low carb diet.

-Not all fats are good! Modified fats extend shelf life of products.

-When you increase carbs in your deit, you set yourself up for everything that is bad: cancer, hear diesease, Alzheimer's, depression, sleep disorders...these are medical issues that are the result of a high carb diet.

-Our bodies are in need of fat!

-Cholesterol is made by animals and is made by every cell in our bodies - did nature get it wrong?

-Cholesterol is a brain antioxidant!

-Studies demonstrate that elderly individuals that have the highest cholesterol have a 70% risk reduction for getting demented because their brain cholesterol levels are high!

-Job #1 is to learn how to eat right. Learn how to give your body the best nutrition you possibly can!

-Grains are not healthful for us!

-Bad cholesterol is known as LDL. But LDL carries life giving cholesterol to every cell in your body. LDL is a protein (not cholesterol). There is nothing bad about it!

-Our DNA is ill-adapted to be confronted by foreign protein (gluten).

-Eating gluten containing foods = detrimental to health and should be avoided!

-Meat should be regulated to a side dish.

-12 oz. can of soda = 39g carbs
-12 oz. glass of OJ = 36g carbs (9 tsp of sugar)

-Being fat has nothing to do with eating fat!

-The brain is sensitive to the foods we eat.


All of the podcasts are important and there was a lot of great information shared. I hope everyone has a change to hear them, read Grain Brain, and start to understand the way our lifestyle choices effect our bodies. We are not destined to have illnesses because our genes say so! We can change our bodies and our minds if we think about the food we eat. Being gluten free for the past few months has helped me feel less bloated, be more focused and think about the food I am giving to my body. Food is fuel and if I want to be at peak performance, I need to give my body the best fuel possible!

I still have a sweet tooth and always crave chocolate. Fruit helps me satisfy my sugar cravings most of the time and dark chocolate has a lot of benefits! It is about moderation, knowing what we can do to help ourselves is important, and living a lifestyle that is healthful (not dieting) will help us live longer and better. This isn't about dieting to lose weight, this is about changing our bodies and our minds positively. It is an overhaul and it is hard, but it is worth it!

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